CCIP is now available on testnet for all developers. Get started today.

CCIP Supported Networks

Each available network has two rate limits:

  • Network rate limit: Each network has a limit on the total USD value that can be transferred from one network across all available lanes. CCIP uses Chainlink Data Feeds to calculate the total USD value of tokens transferred on one network.
  • Token rate limits: Each individual lane on a network might have a limit on the total number of tokens that it can transfer. This limit is independent of the USD value of the tokens.

Both limits have a Refill rate, which is the speed at which the maximum capacity is restored. For example, if 100 LINK is transferred using the Ethereum Sepolia => Optimism Goerli Lane, the total capacity for that lane is used up. After that, the maximum capacity restores at a rate of 1 LINK per second.

Read the LINK Token Contracts page to learn where to get testnet LINK and native gas tokens. You can pay fees for each network in native gas tokens, wrapped native gas tokens, or LINK tokens.

Service Limits

Across all networks, CCIP transactions are subject to the following service limits:

Maximum message data lengthdata payload sent within the CCIP message50 kilobytes
Message Gas LimitUser specified gas limit2,000,000
Maximum number of tokensMaximum number of distinct tokens a user can transfer in a single transaction5


Ethereum Mainnet

Router address0xE561d5E02207fb5eB32cca20a699E0d8919a1476
Chain Selector5009297550715157269
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0x514910771AF9Ca656af840dff83E8264EcF986CA
  • WETH (Wrapped ETH) 0xC02aaA3...C756Cc2
  • ETH

Ethereum Mainnet → Optimism Mainnet Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 snxUSD
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 snxUSD/second

Ethereum Mainnet → Polygon Mainnet Lane

Token transfers are not supported on this lane.

Ethereum Mainnet → Avalanche Mainnet Lane

Token transfers are not supported on this lane.

Ethereum Sepolia

Router address0xD0daae2231E9CB96b94C8512223533293C3693Bf
Chain Selector16015286601757825753
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0x779877A7B0D9E8603169DdbD7836e478b4624789
  • WETH (Wrapped ETH) 0x097D90c...f9FB534
  • Sepolia ETH

Ethereum Sepolia → Optimism Goerli Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-LnM/second

Ethereum Sepolia → Arbitrum Goerli Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-LnM/second

Ethereum Sepolia → Avalanche Fuji Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-LnM/second

Ethereum Sepolia → Polygon Mumbai Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-LnM/second


Optimism Mainnet

Router address0x261c05167db67B2b619f9d312e0753f3721ad6E8
Chain Selector3734403246176062136
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0x350a791Bfc2C21F9Ed5d10980Dad2e2638ffa7f6
  • WETH (Wrapped ETH) 0x4200000...0000006
  • Optimism ETH

Optimism Mainnet → Ethereum Mainnet Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 snxUSD
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 snxUSD/second

Optimism Goerli

Router address0xEB52E9Ae4A9Fb37172978642d4C141ef53876f26
Chain Selector2664363617261496610
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0xdc2CC710e42857672E7907CF474a69B63B93089f
  • WETH (Wrapped ETH) 0x4200000...0000006
  • Optimism Goerli ETH

Optimism Goerli → Ethereum Sepolia Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second

Optimism Goerli → Arbitrum Goerli Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second

Optimism Goerli → Avalanche Fuji Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second


Avalanche Mainnet

Router address0x27F39D0af3303703750D4001fCc1844c6491563c
Chain Selector6433500567565415381
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0x5947BB275c521040051D82396192181b413227A3
  • WAVAX (Wrapped AVAX) 0xB31f66A...5FD66c7
  • AVAX

Avalanche Mainnet → Ethereum Mainnet Lane

Token transfers are not supported on this lane.

Avalanche Fuji

Router address0x554472a2720E5E7D5D3C817529aBA05EEd5F82D8
Chain Selector14767482510784806043
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0x0b9d5D9136855f6FEc3c0993feE6E9CE8a297846
  • WAVAX (Wrapped AVAX) 0xd00ae08...C39A48c
  • Fuji AVAX

Avalanche Fuji → Ethereum Sepolia Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second

Avalanche Fuji → Optimism Goerli Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second

Avalanche Fuji → Polygon Mumbai Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second


Arbitrum Goerli

Router address0x88E492127709447A5ABEFdaB8788a15B4567589E
Chain Selector6101244977088475029
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0xd14838A68E8AFBAdE5efb411d5871ea0011AFd28
  • WETH (Wrapped ETH) 0x32d5D59...8a4FB5a
  • Arbitrum Goerli ETH

Arbitrum Goerli → Ethereum Sepolia Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second

Arbitrum Goerli → Optimism Goerli Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second


Polygon Mainnet

Router address0x3C3D92629A02a8D95D5CB9650fe49C3544f69B43
Chain Selector4051577828743386545
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0xb0897686c545045aFc77CF20eC7A532E3120E0F1
  • WMATIC (Wrapped MATIC) 0x0d500B1...ADf1270

Polygon Mainnet → Ethereum Mainnet Lane

Token transfers are not supported on this lane.

Polygon Mumbai

Router address0x70499c328e1E2a3c41108bd3730F6670a44595D1
Chain Selector12532609583862916517
Supported Fee tokens
  • LINK 0x326C977E6efc84E512bB9C30f76E30c160eD06FB
  • WMATIC (Wrapped MATIC) 0x9c3C928...b032889

Polygon Mumbai → Ethereum Sepolia Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second

Polygon Mumbai → Avalanche Fuji Lane

Aggregate Rate LimitValue
Capacity100,000 USD
Refill rate167 USD/second

Supported tokens:

Token AddressSymbolAttributes
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100 LINK
  • Rate limit refill rate: 1 LINK/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 CCIP-BnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 CCIP-BnM/second
  • Decimals: 18
  • Rate limit capacity: 100,000 clCCIP-LnM
  • Rate limit refill rate: 167 clCCIP-LnM/second

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